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Citywide Community work day

In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Almaty City "For Conducting Municipal Cleaning" on 21 October, 2017, were carried out sanitary cleaning works of streets and yard territories, irrigation ditches, green areas, river banks and reservoirs, as well as public places.

Employees of our university and over 800 students, as well as public and state organizations participated in this community work day. The cleaning works were carried out in eight districts approved by the Akimat of the Medeu district, in particular, the Tiksei River, the Dostyk Cave and the Small Almatinka River. At the same time, most of the participants of the community work day took part in the cleaning of the 28 Panfilov guardsmen Park , which located on the territory of our university.

We are grateful to our teachers and students for their active participation in the community work day to support the cleanliness and beauty of our city.






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