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Prevention of acute respiratory infections, influenza and measles


From January 29 to 31, 2024, the Department of Education, Social Work and youth policy, together with doctors of the Health Center, Organized preventive conversations on the Prevention of Arvi and influenza, as well as measles in university dormitories.


During the meeting, doctors discussed and explained the symptoms of influenza and Arvi, especially measles, which is currently raging, ways of its prevention and treatment.


"Everyone should know and observe the basic measures to prevent Arvi, influenza and measles. To do this, the population is advised to avoid crowded places, poorly ventilated areas, wear masks, observe personal hygiene and timely carry out influenza vaccination," the experts said during the event.

The main symptoms of Arvi and influenza diseases are: high temperature, general intoxication, weakness, sore throat, nasal congestion, the main symptoms of measles are: high temperature, runny nose, cough, redness of the eyes and watery eyes, small white spots on the inner surface of the oral cavity. After a few days, a rash appears on the upper part of the face and neck, gradually the rash spreads throughout the body and eventually appears on the arms and legs.


At the first signs of Arvi, flu or measles, you should not self-medicate, you should seek medical help. A long-term illness often causes complications. The most common and dangerous of them is pneumonia.


For the Prevention of Arvi and influenza (measles): ventilate the room every day, wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with an antiseptic, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, refuse to attend mass events or wear a mask, strengthen immunity, go in for sports and monitor the quality of sleep and nutrition. A reliable and effective method of preventing measles is vaccination of children aged 12 months and 6 years.


At the end of the speech, the specialist noted that the role of nutrition, sleep and labor regime is important in maintaining immunity. He also explained to the students that it is necessary to take good care of their health and seek medical help in a timely manner. And the students got acquainted with the information about these diseases, preventive measures, and improved their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.









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