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Meeting with Аyagul Toreovna


On April 4, 2024, the Department of Social Development and youth policy organized a meeting with students of the excellent student of public education of the Kazakh SSR, honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, hero of Labor Ayagul Toreevna on the topic "the role of a teacher in high-quality education and production of students".


During the meeting, public figure Ayagul Toreovna shared her thoughts on the wise philosophy of the Kazakh people. At the same time, the students were told that education and morality are the most important values, and the formation of these invaluable qualities is in the hands of each individual. The great teacher also said:" it is the happiness of students if teachers are creative, inquisitive, have a lot of attention and giving to students".


Speaking within the framework of the event, Ayagul Toreovna also spoke about her many years of work in raising children and promoting the work of teachers, raising respect and respect for teachers. He also noted that thanks to the support of the head of state, special attention is paid to the status of a teacher in the country. However, in order to further improve the education system, it is necessary to develop it continuously, and each teacher should contribute to the formation of a child as a person with a rich spiritual soul and high morality.


During the event, students learned about the life path of Ayagul Torekyzy, pedagogical achievements, memorable wonderful moments in her teaching activities, and supplemented their information. Answering the questions of the participants, Ayagul Toreovna shared her life experience with young people.


During the meeting, the chairman of the board-rector of Abai Kaznpu Bolat Tlep presented ayagul Toreovna, an excellent student of public education of the Kazakh SSR, with the medal "Abay", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly.















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