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Students of Abai University visited the Museum of Rare Books

From November 5 to 12, 2024, with the organization of the National Educational Center "Hakim Abai" together with the Orazala Dosbosynov School of Young Poets, university students visited the museum of rare books "Gylym Ordasy", located in the Gylym Ordasy complex.


The aim of the project is to widely promote scientific, historical and cultural heritage among students, where various thematic expositions are presented, such as ancient manuscripts and rare books originating from the ancient written heritage of the Kazakh steppe, "Relics of ancient writing", "Masterpieces of great thinkers", "The first Kazakh printed books", "Handwritten samples of the Koran", "Giant and Small Books", etc.


Students of the Faculty of History and Law visited the permanent exhibition of the museum, which consists of four main parts: "The ancient written heritage of the Kazakh steppe", "The manuscript is the legacy of centuries", "Early domestic editions", "Written and printed monuments of Kazakhstan".


In addition, in the exposition section of the museum "The Ancient written heritage of the Kazakh Steppe", students got acquainted with the written culture of the ancient Turks, dating back to ancient times.


It should be noted that the project of the trip to the Rare Books Museum will continue from November 5 to 12. The project is also implemented for free.








Hakim Abai National Educational Center

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