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The winners of the song contest "Eki zhuldyz" are loaded

On November 19, 2024, the Department of Social and Youth Policy of Abai KazNPU, the Department of Youth Affairs held a song contest "Two Stars" within the framework of the student week "Zhanashyl Zhastar". 


"Folk Songs", "Parody" "Modern songs", The three-stage competition was attended by talented couples representing the faculties of the university.


As a result of the competition:

I place-Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science;

II place-Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology;

III place - Faculty of History and Law.


The Faculty of Philology took part in the nomination "Audience Award", the Sorbonne Institute-Kazakhstan in the nomination "Best Duet", the Faculty of Arts in the nomination "Best Female Voice", the Faculty of Physical Culture and Primary Military Training in the nomination "Best Creative search" - the faculty natural sciences and geography!



Youth Affairs Department

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