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Rector`s Ball - 2018


December 26, 2017 a New Year`s Eve party "The Rector`s Ball - 2018" was held for all students of the University.


The ceremonial event was opened by the congratulatory speech of the first vise-rector of the University of Maktagali Bektemesov, he congratulated all those present on the upcoming holiday and wished that 2018 would be a year of new ideas and achievements.


The most active students who distinguished themselves during the year in the educational, sports and creative activities of the university were awarded with special nominations "UNIVERSAL STUDENT", «Жыл спортшысы», «Жыл әншісі», «Жыл пікірсайысшысы», «Жыл еріктісі», «Жыл ақыны», «Жыл белсендісі», «CREATIVE STUDENTS», «Жыл өнерпазы», «INTERNATIONAL STUDENT" and monetary rewards. For active student life and creative initiatives, 12 students were also awarded certificates of honor and 15 students with letters of gratitude on behalf of the rector of the University. Winners in the nominations "Best essay", "Best logo", "Best social project" of the competition "My university", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the university, received cash awards.


The event was continued by the concert program of the creative teams of the University.The evening was enriched with a ballroom waltz which specially prepared by students. KVN (homour show) team "Aport", representing our University at the republican level, raised the mood of the audience with sparkling jokes, and the dance group "Dara" performed flashmob together with the audience. The evening ended with a dance disco.












Department for Educational,Social

Work and Youth Policy



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