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Poetic evening "Егемен елім, ерке елім"


On December 17, 2017, as part of the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a poetic evening of the young poet Zhambyl Duisenuly "Егемен елім, ерке елім" which was attended by about 400 students and professors of the University.


The event began with a video showing where Leader expressed his appreciation and admiration to the young poet. During the evening, Zhambyl presented his works to the public: «Періште тілек!», «Тілім - тағдырым», «Мен қазақпын», «Бала Жамбыл - мен боламын бүгінгі», «Мәртебелі елім», «Тәуелсіздік - тәңірден келген тәтті сый». One of the main organizers of the event - Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sulushash Nurmaganbetova - sang the song "Тәуелсіздік - тәңірім !", Written by a young poet, and noted his compositional skills.


At the end of the evening the vise - rector of educational work and social development Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev thanked the young poet on behalf of the University`s management and staff for a wonderful poetic evening and presented a memorable gift.


In turn, the young poet Zhambyl expressed his gratitude to the rector of the University Takir Ospanovich for his support in organizing the poetic evening.












Department for Educational,Social

Work and Youth Policy



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