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The action "Kazaguymnyinunі sensin - dombyra"


This year, under the decree of the President, a new holiday has been introduced in our country - the National Day of Dombra, which will be celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July.


On July 1, 2018, on the initiative of the Department of Educational Work, Social Development and Youth Policy, and the Committee for Youth Affairs, an action was organized: "Kazaguymnyin unі sensin - dombyra"


The action took place in the park of 28 Panfilov guardsmen and began with a youth flash mob. After the flash mob, the university activists held an intellectual game, treated the spectators with baursaks and gave gifts to specially distinguished participants. The audience also received information notes about the dombra. Further, the celebration continued with a concert program of talented university students. In their performance, such Kurmangazy kuys as "Adai", "Balbyrauyn", "Kylashar" were sounded. At the end of the festive event, students together with the audience performed the Kazakh folk dance "Kara zhorga".


The holiday, aimed at popularizing national music and getting to know the origins of Kazakh culture, gave all participants a wonderful mood.












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