Departement of Oriental Philology and Translation | ![]()
Scientific works of the teaching staff of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation at the exhibition «Days of the Institute»
From February 14 to February 18, 2022, the «Days of the Institute» were organized by the scientific library of Abai KazNPU. Within the framework of this event, the textbooks of the faculty of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education on scientific and pedagogical orientation took places on the exhibition shelves and aroused interest among visitors, students, master`s degree students and doctoral students.
In particular, these are the scientific publications of the academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, Professor K.I.Mirzoev (now deceased) and the head of the department K.Kh.Abdrakhmanova, the founder of the department A.K. Zhumabekova, publications in collaboration with L.T.Kileva «The Structure of Modern Linguistics». In the same row, the works of a specialist in written monuments of the Middle Ages, Professor R.U.Arziev «Kudadgu bilikl "and its lexical-stylistic features», a textbook «Uighur language» and monograph by senior lecturer E.Z. Esbosynov «Lexical and grammatical features of the old Kipchak language», translation of the book «Saga of Koblandy Batyr», published in Turkish, and the publication «Mehmet Saray. Atatürk and the Turkic world - the policy of common language and culture in the Turkic world of Ataturk».
During the exhibition, senior lecturers Zh.U.Sultanbayeva and E.Z.Esbosynov, who participated in the organization of this event, spoke in detail about the scientific and pedagogical potential of the teaching staff of the department and the works of their colleagues. The compliance of the library fund of the department with educational programs, the linguistic and content nature of scientific publications and their relevance were noted. A report was also made on the features and methods of forming literature in Kazakh, Russian, English, Arabic, Turkish, Uighur and Korean languages for each specialty, on the quantity and quality of digital textbooks and e-books currently used in distance learning.
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