Opening conference of pedagogical practice
In accordance with the curriculum of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology for the 2021-2022 academic year in the specialty «5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages», «6B01703-Foreign language:two foreign languages» by order of the Chairman of the Board of the rector of Abai KazNPU. In order to pass the state pedagogical practice, students of pedagogical specialties in the second foreign language 4th year (4 years) second foreign language (Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, French, German) 3rd year of the MTR (Turkish, German) from April 11 to May 07, 2022 (according to the academic calendar of the university) were sent to Gymnasium No.113, Aisaf-Almaty Gymnasium,Almaty Kazakh-Turkish College of Humanities and Technology, Pedagogical College of Foreign Languages of Almaty.
The conference on the opening of an internship in this specialty was held online on the ZOOM platform on April 9, 2022. The conference of the opening of the practice was attended by the head of the department Abdrakhmanova K. H., senior lecturer responsible for the practice at the department Almabekova A.M., teachers - methodologists - Professor Zhumabekova A. K., senior lecturers Toktarbek S., Ibragimova K. K., Kanseitova E. J., Satpai G. K. , Orazova R. K., Raeva A. N., Ashimova D. M., Konkabayeva N. N., teacher Kospaganbetova N. H., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the gymnasium Aisaf-Almaty Zhakenova A. B. and student trainees. During the conference, the rules of practice were explained, answers to students` questions were given.