Departement of Oriental Philology and Translation | Main / Faculties / Faculty of Philology / Departments / Departement of Oriental Philology and Translation / News
79th Scientific Conference of Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the speciality of translation studies The Department of Oriental Philology and Translation hosted a student scientific conference, the section "Translation and World Literature". It was attended by 30 students and 4 undergraduates specializing in "Translation". Based on the results of the presentations of the students, the jury consisting of Prof. Aigul Zhumabekova, Senior lecturer Nurzhamal Shengelbayeva, senior lecturer Karakat Duysenova, senior lecturer Kulzagi Ibrahimova determined the winners: the 1st place was taken by a 4th-course student Zhanerke Bektemir, the 2nd place was taken by Madi Ospanbekov (2nd course) and Nazerke Rizabekkyzy (1st course), the 3rd place was taken by Korkin Zakhar (4th course), Moldir Zhanybekkyzy (4th course) and Aida Nesipbek (1st course).
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