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«Ruhani zhangyru - program for the future»


Teachers of the specialty «Translation Studies» of the chair «Eastern Philology» and «Translation» of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education actively support the plan of activities of Abai KazNPU for the implementation of the program Ruhani zhangyru.

On 15th April as part of the program, teachers organized an unusual class hour on the topic «Rukhani zhangyru - program for the future». Purpose: Educating students of a sense of pride, love for their country, its history and culture.

First-year undergraduates Nursulu Umirtasova and Zhadyra Ayapova briefly informed about the six tools of «Modernization of public consciousness». The head of the chair Professor Kniyaz Mirzoyev focused attention on the ways to solve the multifaceted tasks set by president- Nursultan Nazarbayev.

A meaningful event graced the musical and entertainment accompaniment prepared by students of the 1st and 2nd courses: songs and poems in English and Kazakh languages, dances of oriental peoples, a quiz in English on the subject «Kazakhstan».





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