OPEN DAY - 2017
Accordance with the work plan of the Vocational guidance in order to attract applicants for the 2017/2018 academic year of the University, Institute of History and Law with the support of Department of educational, social work&youth policy, Center of student reception&control of preparation specialists and International Cooperation Department on 29 March , 2017 organized "OPEN DAY" to graduates of the schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums and univerities of Almaty City and Almaty region.
"OPEN DAY" events was opened with concert program and was presented to graduates following activities:
- Video about the history of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
- On the basis of the licenses issued by the Ministry of Education of the RK was given to graduates Information leaflets about the direction of education.
Graduates took useful information about the university programs from historians, lawyers staff of the Institute of History and Law.