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Winter School «Teacher education in a changing world: new priorities»



From January 5 to January 17, 2020, the Winter School «Teacher education in a changing world: new priorities» will work at the Abai KazNPU in order to improve the qualifications of the faculty and heads of structural units of the university.

As part of the Winter School, courses, seminars and trainings will be organized on the following modules:
I. Courses «Teacher in LMS (moodle), development and introduction of electronic teaching materials, support of course», Participants: teaching staff and leaders of distance education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - January 5-10;
II. The course «Development of tasks for evaluation of students metasubject learning outcomes», Participants: teaching staff of the University - January 5-10;
III. The course «Training on the use of educational resources,, (within the state program «Digital Kazakhstan»)», Participants: teaching staff of the University - January 5-17;
IV. Training course «Development of Horizontal-cyclic system organizational structures»
Training «Development of Adaptive leadership principles», Participants: Vice-rectors, Directors of institutes, Directors of departments and structural divisions- January 13-17;
V. Seminar «Actual problems of teaching the subject «Abaytanu in educational institutions», Participants: Vice-rectors, Directors, Deputy Directors of educational institutions, teachers, doctoral students, Directors of departments and structural units of Abai KazNPU - January 5;
VI. Seminar «The state of the labor market of teachers in the field of education», Participants: Directors, Deputy Directors for academic work, heads of departments - January 5;
VII. Seminar «Practice of teaching students the Kazakh language with the use of the Latin alphabet», Participants: teachers, leading classes in the Kazakh language - January 6;
VIII. Seminar «Commercialization of innovations. Recommendations on the preparation of applications for participation in competitions for grant funding. Criteria for reviewing articles in Scopus database journals», Participants: doctoral students, undergraduates, young teachers - January 6;
IX. Seminar «Analysis of educational programs developed in 2019». Training «Formation and activity of Academic committees for the design of educational programs». Training «Tasks and problems of development of double-diploma. educational program», Participants: Deputy Directors of educational institutions, heads of departments - January 8;
X. Seminar «Design of anti-corruption system based on the requirements of the international standard», Participants: rector, Vice-rectors, Directors, Deputy Directors of institutes, head. departments, Directors of departments, heads of structural divisions - January 8;
XI. Seminar Seminar «Coaching Tools for high school teachers», Participants: teaching staff of the University - January 9;
XII. Seminar «Application of Labor legislation and the Law «on education» in the activities of structural units of Abai KazNPU», Participants: employees of departments, departments, teachers and doctoral students - January 9;
XIII. Seminar «UNESCO-Kazakhstan. Education for sustainable development», Participants: teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates - January 9;
XIV. Seminar «Quality management of education: search for a new philosophy. Models of quality management in the structure of «UNIVERSITY-school» (on the example of Abai University, University strategy, functions of structural units, their relationship)», Participants: teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates - January 10;
XV. Seminar «Actual problems of improving the education of students», Participants: Deputy Directors of institutes for education. students, teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, employees of the Department of educational work and youth policy - January 10.

Winter School Program