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International round table «Actual problems of psycholinguistics»

On June 25, 2022 on the basis of A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, together with the Institute for Cognitive Research (St. Petersburg State University), the first meeting was held at the Scientific and Educational Platform of the Psycholinguistics Section «Language and Consciousness». The speakers of this scientific meeting were leading psycholinguists and cognitive scientists from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The moderator was Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU Madina Abaeva.

We often listen with great interest to Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya together with a multi-million television audience. This time she performed specifically for Kazakh philologists. An outstanding scientist and popularizer of science, T. Chernigovskaya read the report «Brain and Language», in which she presented the most complex problems of modern neurolinguistics in a fascinating and accessible way.

The leading Russian specialist in the field of psycholinguistics, Professor Natalya Vladimirovna Ufimtseva, in her report reviewed the achievements of this science and dwelled on its contribution to intercultural studies.

The founder and head of St. Petersburg ontolinguistic school, Professor Stella Naumovna Tseytlin, captivated the audience with the topic «Mastering the native language by a child as an «ordinary miracle»».

For linguists of multilingual Kazakhstan, the topic of the report by Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University Tatyana Alexandrovna Kruglyakova «Speech errors of children and foreigners as an object of psycholinguistic observation» became no less relevant.

Leading scientists in the field of Kazakh linguistics and Kazakh Russian studies took an active part in the work of the round table. It was gratifying to note that among the 200 participants of the event there were students of advanced training courses for teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are taking place these days on the basis of the Department of Russian Language and Literature: the genuine interest of Kazakh teachers in new knowledge was also manifested at this event.

According to all participants, this meeting turned into a holiday of science, mutual understanding and cooperation between scientists of the two countries.



