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        On 15 March , 2017  Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Institute of Philology and multilingual education Kazakh language and literature Department organized  event  " Scientist. Teacher. Personality "  dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the professor of the Kazakh language and literature department of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual  Education of  Abai KazNPU, Honored Worker of the RK, winner of the state award of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Honorary Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philological  Sciences , Professor Serik S. Kirabayev.

         S. Kirabayev`s   lecture room No. 410  of the main building  of university    was provided with everything necessary for the even. In the opening of event spoke  with  congratulatory speech first pro-rector Mubarak Y. Yermaganbetov.  Presentation works  was  conducted by  Zhanat. T. Dauletbekova. Academician S. Kirabayev expressed gratitude to colleagues and students.  Student of  scientist, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, director of the institute Baltabay Abdigaziuly was moderator of the event .

        Also, In the event  was presented the collection "Academician  S.S. Kirabayev  and scientific and theoretical, educational and methodical  issues of the current philological researches " and the documental  film  devoted to the 90th anniversary of the scientist " Wise man of Abai  University".

            The festive event was attended by: poet, playwright, public figure, chairman of the public association of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan Nurlan M. Orazalin, director of the Institute of Literature and Arts named after M.O. Auezov,  doctor of philological sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences Ualikhan K.  Kaliyzhan, professor of the Institute of Literature and Arts named after M.O. Auezov, Doctor of Philological sciences  Gulzhakhan Orda and  staff of the Institute.