05.08.2022 Webometrics: Abai University - in the top seven universities of Kazakhstan!
The international Webometrics Ranking of World Universities-2022, which is compiled every six months, is published. Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is a global ranking of global universities based on a combined index that takes into account the demand for the university website and the publications of its researchers in the scientometric systems Scopus and Google Scholar.
Nowadays 132 universities of RK participated in Webometrics ranking among 15914 universities of the world. According to the results of this rating Abai KazNPU entered TOP-7 best universities of Kazakhstan (January 2022 - 10th place).
The methodology of the rating is based on the analysis of the representation of universities in the global information space. Web-indicators, which are used to analyze the activity of their research activities, allow to identify how much the faculty and students are involved in research work. The Cybermetrics Lab methodology builds an algorithm for ranking universities based on three indicators: Impact, Openness, Excellence.
The annual promotion of Abai KazNPU in this ranking once again confirms its stable position in the world system of higher education. Participation in international ratings allows the university to position the university in the world scientific space, to enter the international educational environment, to harmonize educational and research processes with international rules and standards, to improve the quality of educational services, to find new opportunities for growth. Abai University shares the position with the leaders of the scientific and educational market of the world and for many years has steadily been the leading pedagogical university of Kazakhstan. All this allows it to approach its goal - to become a research university.
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities