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Forum «Educated nation: the pursuit of knowledge, hard work and patriotism»

On August 25, 2022, on the eve of the new academic year, the Palace of the Republic hosted the largest event in the field of education - the forum of teachers of the city of Almaty «Educated nation: the pursuit of knowledge, diligence and patriotism».

The event was attended by Minister of Education Askhat Aimagambetov, Mayor of Almaty Yerbolat Dosaev, Secretary General of the Union of Teachers of Singapore Mike Tiruman, Head of Services Development Department of the Department of Education of Helsinki (Finland) Marie Kyllonen, Kazakh and foreign experts in the field of education.

During the forum, bright sites of the stand exhibition were opened in 11 areas of the Almaty education system. As part of the Reading School project, the Almatykitap Baspasy publishing house presented the platform of electronic textbooks Using the example of the electronic textbook «Russian Literature» for grade 11, written by teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU, it was shown that the digital language familiar to a teenager becomes not only a form of presenting information, but also a bridge between the work and the reader.



