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Scientific event at a partner university

The Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology constantly maintains scientific relations with many foreign universities. One of them is the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). Our department worked on a scientific project together with university for three years. Scientists from the Higher School of Economics (V. Plungyan, E. Kazartsev) came to our university to give lectures.

On October 6, 2022, the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of the well-known poetic scholar Yevgeny Kazartsev took place, to which the head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Saule Abisheva was invited.

This event brought together many prominent scientists from Russia and the world: the most authoritative modern philologists were present in the hall and joined the audience online: Boris Gasparov, Alexei Gippius, Ronald Vroon, Sergey Zenkin, Maxim Krongauz, Yuri Orlitsky, Vladimir Plungyan, Barry Sher and others.

The discussion of Yevgeny Kazartsev`s dissertation on the topic «Formation and early stages of development of iambic versification in the Netherlands, Germany and Russia» aroused great interest among those present, because it solved many still unresolved questions about the ways of formation and development of Russian verse in comparison with the North European tradition.

All reviewers and speakers highly appreciated the scientific contribution of E. Kazartsev to the theory of versification and emphasized the great potential and practical significance of the research results presented in the dissertation.

The participants of the meeting wished Yevgeny Kazartsev the same brilliant defense of his dissertation.



