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IX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists
"Kazakhstan in the world educational space"

           On 7 April, 2017 at the preparatory faculty (Foundation) of Abai KazNPU was held the IX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Kazakhstan in the world educational space", which was organized by the Department of Philological Disciplines for Foreign Citizens and pre-university training.
          The conference received 115 reports from students, undergraduates and doctoral students from different regions of the republic, as well as from China, South Korea, Vietnam and Russia.
         70 reports of doctoral students, undergraduates and students from Kazakhstan universities and universities of near and far abroad were presented at the sections of the conference: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty), Miras University (Shymkent), Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University. (Kokshetau), South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute (Shymkent), Yili Normal University (Inin, China), A.I. Korkyt-Ata Kyzylorda State University (Kyzylorda), M. Saparbayev South Kazakhstan State Institute (Shymkent), al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University (Almaty), Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty), K. Zhubanov Aktobe regional State University (Aktobe).
           The best scientific reports of students were awarded with certificates and their scientific advisers with appreciation letters from the university administration.