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Meeting within the framework of the International Cooperation Program


On 04.12.2024, the department of special pedagogy organized a meeting with Marina Bylino, associate professor of the department of speech therapy of the Institute of inclusive education, within the framework of the program of international cooperation between Abai KazNPU and the Belarusian state pedagogical university named after M. Tank.

The meeting was attended by the teaching staff of the department of special pedagogy, students of the 3rd year of the educational program «6B01902-Special pedagogy:Speech therapy».

As a developer of standard curricula, educational and methodological manuals, scientific articles on topical issues of preschool special pedagogy and psychology, Marina Bylino told the meeting participants about the features of special education in Belarus.

The guests of the meeting visited and discussed a practical lesson by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Olga Zavalishina on the discipline «Speech therapy of preschoolers» on the topic «Features of correctional work in the process of general speech underdevelopment».







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