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Invited foreign lecturers delivered lectures to students


On November 1-5, 2022 at Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami conducted lecture for students.


The lecturers were: Shahmurova Gulnar - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; Tutushkina Nina - PhD, Lecturer; Amanov Ravshan - Senior Lecturer; Safarova Nasiba - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor.


Uzbek educators shared their experiences on the renewed content of education. The senior lecturer of the department «Chemistry and the methods of its teaching» Amanov Ravshan gave lectures on «Gas laws», «Chemical Kinetics», «Oxidation-reduction reactions» and «The theory of electrolytic dissociation» to the 3rd year students of «6B05301-Chemistry».


Informative lectures by foreign lecturers, filled with insightful, interesting facts, aroused the interest of the students.



