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Unsurpassed skills in the Olympiad...

         On 6-7 April , 2017, the IX Republican Subject Olympiad took place at the Faculty of World Languages of the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University. The Olympiad consisted from three stages:
              1st stage -
              2nd stage - answers to the literary theoretical and linguistic questions , also answer to tasks in English language;
              3rd stage - answers to test tasks.
       In the Olympiad participated students from 22 universities of our country , and the 4th year course students of the specialty "5B011700-Kazakh Language and Literature" Sungat Amanbayev, Altynai Kulbek and Gulzat Sansyzbai of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education took the 1 st place and were awarded with 1st degree diplomas. The team was prepared by the teaching staff of the departments of the "Kazakh Language" and "Kazakh Literature": on the problems of methodology and essays - head of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciencse, associate pofessor Zh. T. Dauletbekova, on the problems of Kazakh linguistics and the theory of language - doctor of philological sciences, professor B. Kassym, candidate of philological sciencces, associate professor M. Zhunisova, MA, senior lecturer A.N. Yusup, literary criticism and analysis of the literary text - doctor of philological sciences, senior lecturer A.V.Tanzharykova, on the complex language analysis of the Kazakh language - candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer N.S. Amirzhanova, MA lecturers Zh.S. Ashirov and M.A. Imankulova gave advices.

Moment of rewarding  the winners