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Visit of a delegation from the National Institute of International Education (NIIED)

On November 11, 2022, a delegation from the Republic of Korea visited Abai KazNPU, Filology Institute the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation. Foreign guests were met by the head of the department - Konkabayeva Nazym Nurbolatovna, the teacher Nam N.S. The delegation included the Director of the Korean Education Center at the Embassy of Korea in Kazakhstan -  Kim Taehwan, Director of the National Institute of International Education (NIIED) at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea -  Kim Jien and others.

The visit has certain purposes: to get acquainted with the work of the volunteer teacher Be Munki at Abai KazNPU, to see the environment and working conditions in which the seconded employee is located in Kazakhstan, housing and living conditions for foreign teachers, evaluate work with students, etc. As a result of the meeting, the Korean side was able to see the comfortable environment made by the department for the teacher, the interest and delight of students in the lessons of Bae Munki.

The head of the department Konkabayeva N.N. shared plans for the development of the Korean language within the walls of the university, in particular, about the creation of a Korean language circle to study the culture and history of Korea through the language, as well as plans for the implementation of a master`s program for students, hopes for a two-degree education for young people who have chosen the Korean language, about the creation of a center Korean studies at the department. The director of the Korean Education Center enthusiastically embraced the long-term program of the department, expressed support for these initiatives from the Korean side, and also expressed hope that the pedagogical university will be able to provide jobs for future graduates-teachers of the Korean language in schools of Kazakhstan through an appropriate appeal to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If this initiative is implemented, the Korean Ministry and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea will also strive to provide appropriate support: personnel, equipment, educational materials, etc.

