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Social therapy «We are together»

On November 16, 2022, according to the socio-pedagogical directions of the Meirim club, under the guidance of associate Professor Shirinbaeva G.K., volunteer students of the 3rd year of the specialty «6B01801-Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» Zh.Kultaeva, G.Tolegen, E.Serik conducted social therapy «We are together» for people with disabilities of the social rehabilitation center «YERZI» Almaty.

The purposeful work of the volunteers was organised to integrate people with disabilities into the social environment and to raise their social status. The basis for the implementation of social therapy methods is a special environment that is created by volunteers in small groups of patients of the institution. Students-volunteers in social and pedagogical work, used methods of social art therapy having psycho-correctional features: music therapy «Ticket to the future», vocal therapy game «3 words about yourself», bible therapy «Dedication to poems», Exercise «Compliment», «Wonderful box», Reflection «From heart to heart. Specially selecting music and literary works based on the poems of M. Makatev, the volunteers carried out art therapy for people with disabilities, which affect his personality, as well as relieve his emotional stress.

Thus, the use of social art therapy for socio-pedagogical work helps people with disabilities to master social skills, value orientations and positive emotions.

In the reflexive part «From heart to heart», the participants exchanged positive impressions by writing warm wishes to each other on their gifted heart cards.





