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III interuniversity scientific student conference «Philosophical understanding of the basics of socio-economic transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

On November 23- 24, 2022, Ph.D., Professor of the Department «Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines» of the Institute of History and Law Kabaeva Zh.And the Third Interuniversity scientific student Conference «Philosophical understanding of the basics of socio-economic transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan» was held.

The conference was moderated by the doctoral student of the department G. Malik. Students and undergraduates of various universities of Kazakhstan touched upon topics of interest to them and presented their reports.

The event was attended by students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the city, such as Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Asfendiyarov Kazakh Medical State University, Turan University and others, more than 40 people. 19 reports were heard. The jury, formed by 4 philosophy teachers, awarded the prizes. The best speakers were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes. 1st place was awarded to Davletcharova Symbat («Clip thinking and how to benefit from it», University of Turan).

At the end of the conference, the jury members congratulated the prize-winning speakers and wished them further academic success.



