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Open lesson at school

On November 24, 2022, an open lesson was held by students of the mathematics, physics, and computer science majors of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University joined the 10th grade of specialized gymnasium No. 12 of Almaty city, where they are undergoing pedagogical practice, on the topic of "Producing textual problems" in order to combine their knowledge in the subjects of mathematics, physics, and computer science.

The event was held as a competition class. During the lesson, the students were divided into three groups, each group was given math and physics problems, and they were given tasks to program those problems in the Python programming language. The interns demonstrated their pedagogical skills using active teaching methods during the lesson. Integrated classes, which include such interdisciplinary communication, contribute to the formation of the student`s functional literacy and general competence. At the same time, such classes teach students to use their integrative knowledge, general knowledge and skills widely, without differentiating the knowledge gained from each subject when they face life problems. At the end of the lesson, the students expressed their opinion that they liked the lesson in general and that it should be organized more often. Each group was awarded with letters of thanks for the students` activity.

The open lesson was held on the initiative of the "Career" center under the theme "Teacher is a leader of society". The purpose of the event: to create conditions for future teachers to quickly adapt to the changing social situation, to create a personal creative style of professional activity, to think innovatively, to present a systematic view of the pedagogical process aimed at interactive interaction and cooperation with students. The practice supervisors of the institute, Ph.D., Professor Shekerbekova Shyryn Tileubergenkyna, senior teachers Salgozha Indira Toishybekovyna, Kaparova Rymkul Mukataevna, Shoyinbayeva Gulnar Toktanayovna actively participated in organizing the open lesson.

Makulbek Akbota Talgatkyna, a specialist of the "Career" center of the university, Oshanova Nurzhamal Turashkyny, head of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education, senior lecturer Kurmangalieva Nurgul Aitbayevna, senior lecturers of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Teaching Methodology Ardabaeva Almagul Kairbaevna, Zhanbekova Gulnur Ibadullaevna, Tukebaeva Saulet Amanzholovna from the Department of Psychology, subject teachers of specialized gymnasium N12 Kazakhbaeva Bati Ilgeribasovna (mathematics), Kaynisa Akmeshova (informatics), Imanbayev Mukhtar Iliyasovich (physics) attended the lesson.

