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International competition reveals the best teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics

On December 3-4, 2022 Abai University hosted the IX International Creative Competition for teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics among teachers of schools in Kazakhstan. The event was attended by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Askar Dzhumadildaev, Member of the Majilis of the Parliament Irina Smirnova, representative of the Parents` Committee of Kazakhstan Gulnar Omar, Director of the Zerdeli Educational Centre Rysbek Mauyt and Vice-Rector for Social Development Shyngys Nurlanov.


The aim is to develop professional skills and competencies of school teachers as well as to unite mathematics teachers in Kazakhstan and to share experience, knowledge and support them in achieving optimal mastery of their professional competencies.


The competition was organized jointly with the Republican Public Association «Kazakhstan Association of Mathematics Teachers» with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


More than 400 teachers from all regions of the country participated in the competition and about 3200 tasks were tested. In addition, more than 50 teachers took part in a chess tournament after the Olympiad. Five sponsors and 4 organizations took part in the event, and there were more than 50 organizers and 50 volunteers.


The best teachers in the republic came together to share their experiences and take part in the Olympiad. There were also a chess and togyzkumalak tournament, an international exhibition «Education» and a training seminar by I. J. Ibatulin, a three-time winner of the creative competition for mathematics teachers at Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education (Moscow, Russia).


Under the moderating of Shakirim Seisenbay the plenary session «Comfortable School» was held. The reports were made by Askar Maksat, founder and director of «Daryn Online», Nurgali Turymbetov, director of grammar school No. 81, Kanat Uksikbayev, «», Pirmaganbet Daurkhan, private secondary school «Dana» Renata Tolegenova.


Under the guidance of moderator Sh. Nurlanov, Vice-Rector for Social Development of Abai KazNPU, the plenary session on modern education was continued, where speeches were made by Askar Zhumadildaev, Irina Smirnova, Omar Gulnar. The Vice-Rector noted that it is an important event to hold this large-scale event at the leading pedagogical university, which gathered the strongest specialists in schools. He wished the university further success in training future in-demand specialists and thanked the organizers and participants on behalf of the university administration.


Speakers and participants noted the importance of the international creative competition for teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics. The event continued with an awarding ceremony for the best teachers from different countries and regions of Kazakhstan. All participants were awarded special certificates and the winners received diplomas of I, II and III degrees.



