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Rector`s report on the results of 2022 

On December 29, 2022 at the meeting of the Academic Council of our university the Chairman of the Board- Rector of Abai KazNPU r Darkhan Bilyalov made a report on the results of the year. The event was attended by members of the university`s Management Board, directors of institutes, heads of departments and other units, representatives of the Youth Committee and veterans of teacher education.

«Our university is a leader of pedagogical universities in Kazakhstan. Its successes in training specialists and developing education and scientific work under conditions of global competition are significant, and the reputation of the institution is growing from year to year», Bilyalov noted. He emphasized that the university was ranked 1st in the ranking of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency for Education in the field of «Pedagogy», 4th in the National Independent Rating of Universities of Kazakhstan, and 72nd by international rating agency.


In 2022-2023 academic year, the University has achieved many successes in achieving the goals and objectives set in the strategic plan. In particular, the key competencies of the university and the concept of «Leader of Pedagogical Education» were formed, and the first pilot project «Creation of Pedagogical Classes in Schools» was implemented in the country. Its goal is early profiling of students into the teaching field, increasing their interest in the teaching profession and shaping a positive attitude towards the possibility of self-education and implementation in future activities. The values of the collective culture of the university have been defined, and new mechanisms and principles for monitoring and evaluating the performance of administrative and management staff and teaching staff have been introduced.


In recent years, the university has undergone a number of fundamental changes. For example, faculties have been consolidated and transformed into institutes, departments have been optimised, research capacity has been increased, and the student centre Abay has been opened. «All these are prerequisites for our university to become a `centre of pedagogical research` in the future,» the rector said. Next, Darkhan Nurlanovich dwelled on the main task of the university.


«Our main goal is to maximise the quality of education and train modern pedagogical staff. To achieve this, we actively introduce the world`s cutting-edge innovations into the teaching process, and make efforts to update education as much as possible. Particular attention is paid to teaching students interactive and innovative technologies based on modern learning tools - electronic textbooks and curricula. We will pay special attention to equipping laboratories and classrooms with new training equipment, electronic posters and computer programs. We are making efforts to develop students` digital skills. On the basis of STEM Park, computer and multimedia classrooms, interactive whiteboards and language laboratories integrated into a single system are used in the learning process. To improve the quality of students` knowledge we will focus on such new methods as problem-based learning, technology of criterion-based assessment, determining the level of knowledge of a student, a system of team and group learning, digital technologies. We are aimed at quality training of specialists through professional development of teaching staff, improvement of educational and methodical work, maximum updating of curricula and educational content, and in this direction, we will implement many good deeds. Our task is to implement the strategy of the university. Further actions on becoming a digital university and research centre will be continued», the rector said.

The participants of the event appreciated the Rector`s report and supported his proposals.



