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Professor S.Abisheva completed her scientific trip 
to George Washington University (USA)

From January 15 to January 23, 2023, a scientific trip took place, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Institute of Philology Saule Abisheva at George Washington University (USA). The business trip was carried out at the invitation to the scientific conference "Dungans in Central Asia: History, Culture and Pedagogy", organized by the George Washington University (USA). The moderator of the conference was the scholarship holder of the Bolashak program, PhD Dina Sabirova.

During the business trip, S.Abisheva participated in the following events:
• acquaintance with the work of Abai Center (branch in the USA);
• meeting with representatives of Kazakh science working at George Washington University;
• a visit to the Library of Congress, where they had the opportunity to get acquainted with archival data, received access cards and access to books and the presentation of the monograph "The Poetic World of M. Makataev" in three languages, with its subsequent donation to the library;
• presentation at the conference with a report on the topic "Multinational Literature of Kazakhstan";
• meeting with professors of Elliot School;
• attending the presentation of the Bolashak Fellows at George Washington University, where our colleague, PhD Dina Sabirova defended sucсessfully.


As a result of the meetings, the following were concluded: a framework agreement between the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Study (Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Study) of the George Washington University and Abai KazNPU University; an agreement on cooperation with Professor Peter Rollberg: guidance of doctoral students, visiting professorships, participation in the editorial board of the series of Philological sciences of Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, joint projects, etc.

The agreements reached will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the development of our university and strengthen its international ties.





