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In 2020, Abai KazNPU took part in the rating of educational programs in the IAAR (Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating). In the ranking of universities in educational programs in accordance with the levels and areas of training of specialists, the university won 46 prizes, including 20 for bachelor`s programs, 14 for master`s and doctoral programs - 12 places.



Rating name

The name of the EP and the position of the University


National rating of the demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2020: program rating (IAAR,


1st place was taken by 23 OP:

6В01201-Pedagogy of preschool education and training (Pre-school education and training)

6В01301-Training of teachers without subject specialization (Pedagogy and methods of primary education)

6В01401-Teacher training with subject specialization of general development (Initial military training)

6B01510-Teacher training in science subjects (Chemistry)

6В01513-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Biology)

6В017010-Teacher training in languages and literature (Kazakh language and literature)

6В01702-Teacher training in languages and literature (Russian language and literature)

6В01705-Teacher training in languages and literature (Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction)

6В01901-Training of specialists in special pedagogy (Defectology) 

7М01301-Preparation of teachers without subject specialization (Pedagogy and methods of primary education)

7M01513-Teacher training in science subjects (Biology)

7М01515-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Geography)

7М02305-Languages and Literature (Literature)

7М01406-Training of teachers with a subject specialization of general development (Fundamentals of Law and Economics)

8D01201-Pedagogy of preschool education and training (Preschool education and training)

8D01901-Training of specialists in special pedagogy (Defectology)

8D01301-Preparation of teachers without subject specialization (Pedagogy and methods of primary education) 

8D01507-Teacher training in science subjects (Informatics)

8D01504-Teacher training in science subjects (Physics)

8D01515-Teacher training in science subjects (Geography)

8D01702-Teacher training in languages and literature (Russian language and literature)

8D02304-Languages and Literature (Linguistics)

8D01601-Training of teachers in humanitarian subjects (History)

2nd place was taken by 17 OPs:

6В01501-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Mathematics)

6В01504-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Physics)

6В01507-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Informatics) 

 6В01601 Training of teachers in humanitarian subjects (History)

6В01704-Teacher training in languages and literature (Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction)

6В05203 -Environment (Geography)

7М01201-Pedagogy of preschool education and training (Preschool education and training)

7М01501-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Mathematics)

7М01501-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Physics)

7М01507-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Informatics) 

7М01901 -Training specialists in special pedagogy (Defectology)

7М01601-Teacher training in humanitarian subjects (History) 

7М03105-Social Sciences (Psychology) 

7М05203-Environment (Geography)

8D01501-Teacher training in science subjects (Mathematics) 

8D01513-Teacher training in science subjects (Biology)

 8D05202-Environment (3rd place was taken by six OP

6В01402-Preparation of teachers with a subject specialization of general development (Music education)

6В01515-Teacher training in natural science subjects (Geography)

6B03105-Social Sciences (Psychology)


6B04202-Law (International Law)

7М03101-Social Sciences (International Relations)