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The winners of the I International Poetry Contest for schoolchildren and students «Inspired by the word of Abai...» have been determined

On February 17, 2023, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU hosted the I International Poetry Competition for schoolchildren and students «Inspired by the word of Abai...». The competition was held with Abai Center of Kazakh Culture and Science at Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland). The center was represented by PhD Doctor Maxim Ponomarenko, a graduate of Abai KazNPU, and now a lecturer at the Department of Neophilology of Polish university.

35 students of Polish classes from Almaty and Astana and university students from the southern capital took part in the competition. They entered into a poetic dialogue with Abai, writing their own poems-reflections on the «Words of Edification» of the great Kazakh poet in Polish, Kazakh and Russian.

The event was attended by the rector of Abai KazNPU Darkhan Bilyalov, who addressed the participants of the competition by reading Abai`s poem «Gylym tappai maktanba ...» and took part in the award ceremony. He presented certificates to the winners of the competition, schoolchildren and students, and memorable gifts from Pomor Academy in Slupsk and from Abai KazNPU. All the winners received books, pens, T-shirts, caps, shoppers with the logos of Academy and Abai University. The rest of the participants were awarded by certificates. The students also received Polish sweets, and the head of the department Saule Abisheva presented the novels of famous Kazakh writer and former professor of the department Hasen Adibayev to the students: «Abai Patshalygy» and «Gemini Constellation».

The international jury of the competition included literary scientists from Poland (Professor Bernadette Ginis, Professor Adelya Kuik-Kalinowska, PhD Maxim Ponomarenko) and Kazakhstan (doctor of philological sciences, Professor S.D. Abisheva, candidate of philological sciences Sh.T. Adibayeva and senior lecturer Z.K. Kokenova).





