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Workshop «My contribution to national education»

The Department of Pedagogy of Abai KazNPU from February 22 to April 7 2023 continues the cycle of educational activities with 1st year students as part of the discipline «National Education». The events are aimed at developing students`national self-consciousness and universal values.


March 02, 2023 senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy Tanatova A.D. the next Workshop «My contribution to national education» was held with 1st year students majoring in «Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction» (group 105).


The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Abai University Gulzhan Ssagidulaevna Dzharasova, Director of the Department for Academic Affairs Zhanbekov Khairulla Nyshanovich, head of the department of Pedagogy, c.p.s., associate professor, professor of Abai KazNPU Kolumbayeva Sholpan Zhaksybaevna.


The main objectives of the workshop are to popularize pedagogical science and increase students` interest in the spiritual and moral development of young people, the problems of the formation of patriotism, national identity and civic duty.


Students within the framework of studying the discipline «National Education» take part in the creation of social experiments, videos focused on the development of civic responsibility and the preservation of the national code.


From February 27 to March 03, 2023, students created story videos and comics about national heroes who influenced the formation of their worldview.



