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"English language month" сompetition results


The 4-stage competition "English language month" was completed for 1st year students of the specialty "6B01703 - Foreign language: two foreign languages" on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages of Abai University, organized jointly with representatives of InterPress Distribution with the support of Oxford University Press.


The individual stages of this competition were aimed at testing listening, reading and writing skills in English, as well as the readiness for public speaking of 1st year students. Based on the results of three individual rounds, the winners were determined: 1st place - Kahirmanova Amina (group 114); 2nd place - Mukhambetkalieva Valeria (group 113); 3rd place - Bizhanova Aruzhan (group 106).


The group stage of the competition - dramatization - revealed the creative abilities of students and they were able to demonstrate their acting and vocal talents. The winners of the creative round were: 1st place - group scene based on the fairy tale "Cinderella" (group 106); 2nd place - group scene "The hardworking confectioner" (group 106); 3rd place - group scene based on the fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Aldar Kose" (group 114).


All participants of this competition were awarded memorable prizes from the sponsors of this event - representatives of InterPress Distribution with the support of Oxford University Press. Students became owners of Oxford University Press books and manuals, branded calendars and notebooks, and they were also given a monthly discount on the purchase of educational materials in InterPress Distribution branches in the amount of 10 and 15%.


We express our deep gratitude to the sponsors of this competition, representatives of InterPress Distribution with the support of Oxford University Press and senior teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Degtyareva X.S., Yessenaman S.E.





