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International Round Table "Problems of Teaching Physics at School"

On April 11, 2023 at the Department of physics IMPhI of Abai KazNPU the IV International round table "Problems of teaching physics at school", in which Kazakh-German seminar "Features of physics teachers training at universities in Kazakhstan and Germany" was held.

The aim of the round table was to discuss the introduction of innovative methods of teaching at school, development of new integration solutions in the training of teaching staff. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Professor V.N. Kosov, Dr. M.D. Kenzhegalieva (Leipzig University, Germany), Zibille Reich (Leipzig University, Germany), Professor O.D. Moskovchenko (Kazakh-German University, Almaty) were the speakers on the discussion platform. The proposed topics for discussion included development of practice-oriented educational programs in physics, harmonization of educational modules, and interaction with potential employers.

The event was attended by national university professors from Almaty, teachers from Almaty high schools, pedagogical innovators, and representatives from employers and academia. The discussion took place in a creative and friendly atmosphere.



