24.04.2023 One candle can light a thousand others
The guest of the evening was Kuralai Baitazhikova, principal of the Satpayev BINOM SCHOOL in Astana, who spoke on the topic "One candle can light a thousand candles".
Responding to questions of participants of the event - teachers of Almaty schools, students of Abai KazNPU and other high schools of the city, who sincerely chose the path of education, the lecturer shared her 32 years experience in education, spoke about her methods of education of conscious and harmoniously developed generation. She stressed that it is possible to light a candle to a student only by personal example and relying on universal moral values.
At the end, Ibraimov Sayat, Chair of the Academy of Pedagogical Excellence, presented the speaker with a special thank you letter. The participants of the event expressed the usefulness of such lectures for young and future teachers and then took pictures.
Key points of the lecture were: 1. A straightforwardness of intentions is required in any undertaking; 2. Do your business at a high level; 3. a big mistake is the beginning of development; 4. What book am I reading? Find and read the one that will help solve your problem right now; 5. The leader shows kindness to the teacher, he in turn shows kindness to his students; 6. Recharge your energy in a timely manner and recharge yourself the same way you recharge your phone!