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            On May 18-19, 2017 Pedagogy and Psychology Institute, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, organized 2nd Republican Conference of the Teachers And Scientists "Dual Training in the Pedagogical Education: Experience, Approaches, Problems". The conference began with the welcoming speech of vice-rector for academic affairs Mrs. Aktolkyn T. Kulsariyeva. Director of the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute Berikzhan A. Almukhambetov congratulated and wished success to all conference participants.




          Head of the Pedagogy Diversity and International Studies in Education  Department  of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg  Anatoly A. Rakhkoshkin shared the features of dual training in Germany. In the plenary session, the reports were read by the directors of schools and colleges,  head of the National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" and scientists of the country`s universities. Thoughts, views expressed at the plenary meeting were summarized by the report of the head of the Pedagogy and psychology  Department  doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Ulzharkyn M. Abdigaparova.

            In order to search for different methods and innovative innovative methods of training specialists and to exchange experiences between scientists, teachers of universities, colleges and schools, in the  conference functioned the following sections:

1. Innovative forms of training of the teaching staff "school-college-university";
2. organizational work of cooperation in the pedagogical education of educational management bodies;
3. vocational guidance of young specialists in pedagogical specialties;
4. organization of pedagogical practice in dual training.

       About 200 reports of f universities, colleges and schools teachers from 10 regions of our country (regions: Almaty, South Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan, Akmola, Aktobe, Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar) and foreign teachers (Germany) were included in the conference program. 

        During the conference, a competition was organized for electronic presentations and  poster presentations. According to the decision of the commission, the winners were awarded with diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees.

In the competition of electronic presentations, a diploma of the I degree was awarded to the head of the Pedagogy of diversity and international studies in the education  Department of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg  

Anatoly A. Rakhkoshkin

Diploma of the II degree was awarded to the teacher of special disciplines of the Yesik humanitarian-economic college Abdrasuli T. Amankulov.

Diploma of the III degree awarded Aigul Dzh. Syzdykbayeva 

      Awarded Nazigul K. Tapanova , Zhanargul S. Ilyasova 

Pavlodar Innovative University of Eurasia, Ekibastuz College

According to the decision of the expert commission for poster reports, was awarded with a diploma of the I degree

Sholpan D. Kudaibergenova deputy director for educational work of the KSU "Secondary School Novopokrovskiy" Borodulihin district of East Kazakhstan region.

The diploma of the II degree was awarded to Alma Ayaganova candidate of psychological sciences of Korkyt-ata Kyzylorda State University /Kyzylorda City/.

Diploma of the III degree was awarded to 
Meruert A. Mansurova  undergraduate of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology"

Korkyt-ataKyzylorda State University

    Conference participants were awarded:
- conference program;
- certificates;
- collection of reports;
- collection of presentations (presentations of the competition participants).
     With the goal to develop the system of dual education and improve the relations between universities, colleges and schools under the leadership of the head of the Pedagogy and psychology  Department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor  Ulzharkyn M. Abdigapbarova conducted  the "Partnership Dialogue".  During the conversation, heads of institutions put forward proposals for the development of the dual training system and exchanged experiments