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Abai KazNPU always strives to improve the quality of education


According to the Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 9-1), accreditation is carried out on a voluntary basis. The university independently selects the accreditation body included in the register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and pays for the accreditation procedures at its own expense. Standards and evaluation criteria are determined independently by each accreditation body.


Specialized accreditation is one of the recognized methods of assessing the quality of educational services provided by the university and is a sustainable and effective quality assurance tool.


The university began the first steps in this direction back in 2011 by confirming the procedure for passing the international specialized accreditation of 10 educational programs of the natural science direction in the accreditation agency ASIIN (Germany).


To date, 93 educational programs of the University have been accredited for a period of 5 years by various accreditation bodies, included in the register of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Currently, the university cooperates with such accreditation bodies as: Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR), Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), Kazakhstan Association of Modern (Elite) Education (KAZSEE), Independent Kazakhstan Accreditation Center (NCCA).


Continuous improvement across the university in terms of quality culture is an important aspect of ensuring a high level of educational services. In this regard, in order to improve the quality of educational services, the university will constantly strive for improvement and undergo external quality assurance procedures in accordance with ESG on a periodic basis.




The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics


Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute

Non-governmental institution «Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education»


Non-profit institution «Independent agency for accreditation and rating»