қазақша · русский · english
 Zhabbarkhanova Aliya Abbasovna
Doctor of health post, therapist

35 Tole bi Street, Health center, Office № 2

 Nurbekova Gulmira Masimzhanovna
Doctor of health post, therapist

35 Tole bi Street, Health center, Office № 4


The main purpose of the health center is the implementation of disease prevention, provision of advisory and emergency medical care to students and employees of the University.


The main activity of the health center and medical centers of the University is aimed at:
- provision of first emergency medical first aid to employees and students of the university in case of acute and sudden illnesses, injuries, poisoning and other accidents;
- рrovision of emergency care;
- рerforming primary diagnostics;
- conducting annual medical examinations in accordance with the current legal documents in the field of healthcare, orders and orders of the University administration;
- participation in the University`s activities aimed at educating students in the necessary qualities to preserve and strengthen their moral and physical health, spiritual development and self-improvement.

The medical staff is located in the main building of the health center at 35 Tole bi street, 35.


Рrogram for forming a healthy lifestyle of students of KazNPU named after Abai


Plan of Health Post of Abai KazNPU for 2023-2024 academic year