қазақша · русский · english


The purpose of the socio-educational department - is to coordinate educational work and social issues of the university, to form a highly professional culture among young people, a modern, competitive personality with the development of civil, patriotic, spiritual and moral values, to promote state youth policy, and to actively participate in public work.

The main activities of the social and educational department:

- implementation of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the university;
- to promote the national unity of the citizens of the country, to teach students to be tolerant, to respect the traditions of other peoples;
- combating corruption, promoting a healthy lifestyle and strengthening youth patriotism for the Motherland;
- work to prevent the spread of ideas of reverse religious movements and the spread of religious extremism and terrorism among students;
- preservation of traditions established at Abai KazNPU, popularization of the history and image of the university;
- participation in solving social and psychological problems of students;
- creating conditions for the formation of an intellectual, cultural personality, the development of moral, ethical and physical education;
- formation of the methodological basis of educational work at the university;
-coordination of work on providing accommodation for non-resident students, first of all, accommodation in dormitories;
- involvement of students from socially vulnerable groups in the active life of the university and society;
- control over the process of granting discounts on tuition fees to students of the paid department;
- participation in activities on prevention of negative manifestations of religious extremism, offences and corruption among students;
- preparation of analytical and informational materials on improvement of cognitive and intellectual level of students and faculty;
- improving the organisation of educational work;
- support and explanation of the state language policy;
- propaganda of interethnic harmony;
- formation of the system of human values;
- prevention of offences among students;
- retrospective analysis of the activity of teaching staff in carrying out educational work with students;
- work with dean`s offices of the university institutes;
- methodological and organisational assistance to public student organisations;
- formation of a healthy lifestyle among students;
- interaction with supervisors, parents (persons substituting them), social service specialists in providing
-assistance to students with disabilities, as well as in various problem situations;
- interaction with city and regional administrations, departments and other initiative organisations;
- organisation of extracurricular educational and social work with students living in dormitories, assistance to students in solving housing and household issues.



- planning and control of educational work, information and organizational support and its implementation at the university in accordance with the socio-political and socio-economic development of RK;
- conducting intra-university activities in all areas of educational work in accordance with the plan;
- organization of work on the prevention of offenses among students, in particular, on the prevention of tobacco smoking, HIV infection, drug distribution, etc.;
- organization and holding of events at the university aimed at the formation of patriotic, civic, environmental education, high morality and morality, legal culture, interfaith tolerance, as well as the development of comprehensive interests and abilities;
- work together with interested organizations of the city and the region in order to assist in solving social issues of students, support orphans and children left without parental care, students with disabilities;
- formation of a socially competent personality capable of self-expression, self-development, possessing high creative abilities, responsible and willing to benefit society;
- to facilitate the organization of seminars, trainings, conferences, meetings, open lectures, etc. on topics related to educational work;
- organization and implementation of control over public order at the university, the rules of residence in the dormitory, work on the prevention of internal violations.