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The Education management school Center provides pedagogical retraining for persons with professional education who do not have a pedagogical education, who are starting the professional activity of a teacher for the first time in the appropriate profile, advanced training of university teaching staff, managers, teachers and employees of organizations of general secondary, technical and vocational education of the republic.


The main tasks of the Center:

- organization and implementation of pedagogical retraining (PGCE) for persons with higher and/or postgraduate education;

- improving the professional and pedagogical training of university teachers and teachers of secondary education;

- creation of a sustainable system of training and retraining of managers of educational institutions in the republic;

- organization of improvement of pedagogical skills using distance learning technologies;

- placement and support of author`s courses by leading university teachers on the educational portal of the university.


The main functions of the Center:

- implementation of training courses, implementation of curricula and programs;

- implementation of admission, training, monitoring of educational achievements and certification of students under the educational program of pedagogical retraining (PGCE);

- ensuring the involvement of the university`s teaching staff for the organization of the educational process and certification of students under the pedagogical retraining program;

- organization and implementation of methodological support for the educational process of advanced training courses, pedagogical retraining, documentation of courses, issuance of orders on enrollment of students and completion of courses, preparation of certificates, correspondence on issues of advanced training and pedagogical retraining;

- ensuring the creation and maintenance of the portal of the professional development and distance education system.