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International activity

Academic mobility for students at the Institute is conducted in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan`s (MES RK) «Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology» and paragraph 5 of MES RK Order No. 152 on external academic mobility for students and teachers, dated 20th April 2011.


Presently, the Department of the Theory of the Kazakh Language and methodology of its teaching operates based on joint agreements with over 10 leading universities worldwide. Among these agreements, prominent programs such as Erasmus+ and Mevlana facilitate the exchange of experiences among professors and teachers. Additionally, the department consistently engages in the exchange of teachers and students through academic mobility programs, research internships, collaborative research projects, symposia, seminars, and conferences.



Name of the university



University of Firat



Muğla Sıtki Koçman University



Kozhatepe University



Chirchick State Pedagogical University



Gulistan State University



Tashkent State Pedagogic University named after Nizami



Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Karakalpakstan, RU


Adam Mickiewicz University



Kazan Federal University

Tatarstan, RF


Indicators of the Academic mobility program:

In the academic year 2023-2024, as part of the «Inviting Foreign Scholars» program, professors from Firat University (Elazig, Republic of Turkey), Ahmet Buran and Fatih Özek, conducted lectures, seminars, and master classes for students in the following specialties: 6B01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature», and 7M01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature».


On November 16, 2023, an international-level scientific and practical seminar on the theme «Relational Culture of the Turki People» was held. The coordinator of the academic mobility program, Roza Kozhabaevna Bakbergenova, organized the seminar in collaboration with students from the research and educational club «Soztanym».


Table of internal academic mobility of teaching staff - Academic year 2023-2024


Full name

Country, University, Department

Position and academic title

Business trip period

Theme of the lecture


Ahmet Buran

Firat University, Elazig, Republic of Turkey

Doctor Professor


Order: No05-04/668 dated


History of Turkic languages,

formation and history of its development


Fatih Özek

Firat University, Elazig, Republic of Turkey

 Doctor Professor


Order: No 05-04/669


Turkic civilization: writtеn culture of the Turkic people.



Doctoral students and Masters of the Department undergo research training at Firat University in Elazig, Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University in Muğla, and Maltepe University in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, gaining valuable experience.


In the 2023-2024 academic year, four students from our department are enrolled in a one-year education program specializing in 6B01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature» at Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, People`s Republic of China. Additionally, as part of a one-semester academic mobility program, six students specializing in 6B01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature» and one student in 6B02301 - «Philology» are studying at Firat University in the Republic of Turkey. It is noteworthy that Serik Ayazhan, a second-year student specializing in 6B01701 - «Kazakh Language and Literature» is studying at Adam Mickiewicz University, Republic of Poland.


Academic collaborations are conducted under contracts with the Departments of Kazakh Language and Literature at Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Chirchick State Pedagogical University, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz (Karakalpakstan), and Gulistan State University in Uzbekistan.