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Summer School: Teacher Leadership Theory

From 22 to 29 June 2023, Abai University is conducting a summer school "Developing Personal Potential of Teacher Education: Reloading of Meanings, Mechanisms of Formation".

The first day was dedicated to the training "Leadership Theory in Education", conducted by Rector Darkhan Bilyalov. Teachers and university staff took part in the event. Darkhan Bilyalov highlighted the importance of leadership theory in the pedagogical field and its impact on the development of education in general. At the same time, leadership in education is not limited to the management of educational institutions, but also includes classroom management, interaction, as well as professional development of teachers.

The rector discussed different approaches to leadership, showing how they can be applied in the education sector. He emphasized that initiative and leadership skills help teachers to be more effective and confident in their responsibilities, create a positive classroom environment and motivate students to achieve success. Thus, this training provided participants with a deeper understanding of leadership and practical skills that will help them become more successful and competent educators. The training format was interactive, with participants exchanging their experiences and opinions, and carrying out all practical tasks.

The summer school is designed to help teachers improve their professional skills, discover their potential and gain new knowledge. Classes are held off-line, which allows you to fully immerse yourself in learning and sharing experiences with colleagues. The programme includes interesting topics such as leadership theory in education, organisational behaviour and team-building in management, student-centred learning and others.

Don`t miss the opportunity to join the participants of the summer school at Abai University!













