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        On June 8, 2017,  Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy of  Abai KazNPU  jointly with "International Law" and "International Relations" departments  of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute organized a round table on theme  "Modernization of Kazakhstan and Constitutional Reform".

        The round table work was opened by the vice-rector for educational work, candidate of political sciences, professor Zh.E. Ishpekbayev, in  speech, he noted that within the framework of the Constitutional reform the powers of the Parliament and the Government will be expanded and their responsibility to the society for the implementation of state programs will increase too. Also, vice-rector  stressed that this reform is a regular and consistent stage of the country`s development.

        Head of the "International Law Department" of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor A.A. Sabitova informed about the goals and tasks of constitutional reforms. She particularly noted that the participation of the  academisc staff of the  Department of International Relations of Academician S. Sabikenov and Professor A. Sabitova as experts in the development of this legislative project is a huge contribution of our university to the stable development of sovereign Kazakhstan.

           In turn, head of the "International Relations Department" of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Zh. K. Simtikov  emphasized that every new stage of socio-economic modernization, increasing the level of political participation requires new ideological approaches, and noted that the third stage of modernization will help Kazakhstan successfully respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

       Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs R.K. Seitov  called  the university youth to support Constitutional reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to show an active civic position. Also he noted that the reforms proposed by the President are timely, and that they will allow to mobilize society in achieving the set tasks.

         By the results of detailed discussion of the introduced reforms participants noted  that the adoption of constitutional reforms is justified, it is necessary and will have a positive impact on all spheres of life and unanimously supported the Constitutional reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan.