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International forum discussed the role of the social pedagogue in modern society


On October 2, 2023, Abai University, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy held an international professional pedagogical forum "The role of a social pedagogue in modern society: socio-pedagogical problems in the system of kindergarten-school-college-higher educational institution and social Protection of the population", dedicated to the International Day of Social Pedagogue.

The purpose of the international professional pedagogical forum was to discuss interrelated socio-pedagogical problems in each area of the process of socialization of the future generation with the definition of the role and promotion of the importance of a social pedagogue in modern society. The work of the forum has achieved its goal.

The Vice-rector for Strategy, Digitalization and Internationalization of Abai university took part in the professional and pedagogical forum Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Galiya Abayeva, Adviser to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chingisbek Sultanbekov, Director of the Institute of Early Development of Children of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Manara Adamova, employees of scientific organizations, school teachers, social educators, as well as scientists from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia presented successful ideas and conducted scientific discussions.

The work of the international forum has accepted more than 100 articles in 5 areas: The role of a social pedagogue and the theoretical and practical foundations of socio-pedagogical activity; Socio-pedagogical protection of the rights of children and adolescents; The main trends in the development of modern socio-pedagogical education; Problems of adaptation, maladaptation, readaptation of children and adolescents; Problems of socio-pedagogical prevention (deviant behavior, aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, suicide).


The event began with the opening of the exhibition of scientific literature "Socio-pedagogical problems: theory and practice and continued with poster presentations of future social educators "Social educator - innovator of a comfortable educational environment" (workshop), an exhibition of clubs "Leader", "Meirim".


During the forum at the gymnasium No. 168 named after K.Katykbaeva held a presentation of the "Socio-pedagogical workshop of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" and several textbooks devoted to socio-pedagogical problems of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Islamia Khalitova.

The International Forum brought together domestic and foreign scientists, researchers, kindergarten-school-college-university staff to train social pedagogical personnel and discuss socio-pedagogical issues. Within the framework of the forum, Raikhan Suleymanova, professor of the Kyrgyz State University named after J. Balasagun, held a guest lecture for students "Problems of formation of socio-pedagogical competence of a new generation teacher in modern conditions".





