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Meeting with students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology: strengthening the culture of academic integrity


From October 10 to 13 under the organisation of the Directorate of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU a meeting with students of 1-2 courses was held.


The main purpose of the orientation work of the direction "Academic Integrity" is a set of values and principles of students` behaviour in the educational process, which develop personal responsibility for learning; honest, decent performance of students` assessed and other works. The students were familiarised with the rules of Academic Honesty. During the meeting, the students asked their queries which were answered accordingly. Employees of the Directorate G.M.Kasengazy, I.M.Chazhabayeva, J.D.Tuleumuratova, J.Zhetkergenkyzy provided detailed information on the organisation of the educational process. The results of the meeting were summarised by A.T.Akzholova, deputy director for academic work.



