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Action Research Laboratory


 Berikhanova Aiman Ezhenkhanovna
Head of the scientific project IRN AR14872311
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, research professor at Abai KazNPU
Kazybek Bi str., 30
 +7 707 462 09 15


                      Purpose of the laboratory- scientific and methodological support for increasing the research activity of young scientists and teachers on the basis of systemic integration into the practice of the university of informal forms of research such as Action Research.

The laboratory is open based on the OrderNo. 05-04/284 (04/17/23) for the purpose of implementing the project under the agreement for the implementation of scientific and scientific-technical projects for grant financing No. 235/30-22–24 dated October 18, 2022.



1. Implementation of the Concept for the development of research activity of teaching staff, young scientists, doctoral students, master`s students to enhance the importance of practice-oriented science and science-oriented practice, suggesting the establishment of Abai University as a center of excellence in the field of pedagogical researchAction Research, integration of informal forms of research into professional practice.

2.Stimulating the research productivity of teachers based on the creation of a single research space at the university, orienting the gradual transition of teaching staff from the position of “teacher” to the position of “teacher-researcher”.

3. Widespread coverage among teaching staff, young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates of the benefits of informal research methods for changing and improving professional practice and increasing research activity.

4. Creation of the necessary conditions to provide young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates with the necessary skills for integrating Action Research into professional practice, solving pedagogical problems directly in practice, organizing a mentoring process at the university, and expert assessments on Action Research.

5.Generating income through the provision of paid services and works,that do not contradict the statutory activities of the university (master classes, seminars, trainings, webinars, consulting, etc.).

           6. Scientific collaboration with domestic and foreign universities, scientific and educational centers, laboratories,institutions (scientific conferences, scientific internships, joint research projects, startups).

7. Scientific and methodological support and improvement of forms and methods of conducting practice-oriented research (development of manuals, methodological recommendations, guides for conducting Action Research).

          The creation of the laboratory will strengthen the integration of pedagogical theory and practice, increase the research activity of young researchers, develop and update research topics, and effectively implement the Action Research Concept at the university.

Prospective strategic priorities: modernize research work at the undergraduate level, integrate the research component into the teaching practice of students starting from the 1st year of study, develop new basic disciplines to improve the quality of pedagogical research.



Project: IRN AP14872311 «Theory and technology for the development of research activity of university teachers based on the integration into practice of informal forms of research as Action Research»

The main idea of ​​the project is related to the development of research activity of university teachers through the integration into their practice of informal forms of scientific research such as Action Research. The project is aimed at solving underlying problems in developing the quality of the research process. Pedagogical reality requires the formation of teachers of a new format, with a high level of creativity, research competence, capable of skillfully combining in their professional activities the innovations of science and technology with the specific requirements of practice.

Therefore, a huge layer of scientific problems and the need to introduce informal forms of organizing scientific research have been identified so that science can play a proactive and guiding role in relation to pedagogical practice, and not follow in the footsteps of current circumstances.


Composition of the research group:

1.   Berikhanova Aiman ​, candidate of pedagogical sciences, research professor at Abai KazNPU, project manager, СR.

Scopus Author ID: 57211755768, h-index2


Web of Science Researcher ID: ABA-1131-2020

SciProfiles: 3026406 - 4


2.   Sarsenbaeva Lyaziza, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, LR.

Scopus Author ID:55866251200, h-index-6



3.   Sapargalieva Bayan, PhD, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of Abay Kazakh National University.LR.

ORCID:,index h – 6


4.   Asilbaeva Fatima, Ph.D., Acting assoc. prof. SR.

ORCID:,index h – 1

Scopus Author ID:57191432611


5.   Ibraimova Zhanar, r.p.s., associate professor,KazNPU named after Abay,SR.



6.   Baydildinova Dana, Master of Pedagogy, specialty “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”, Russia, Expert Teacher at NIS ChBN, R. Almaty.


7.   Zhekeyeva Akkalam, doctoral student of Abai KazNPU, JR.



8.    Baizhumanov Arnur, Master of Science in Computer Science, JR.




Action Research Laboratory:


+7 707 462 0915 – Berikhanova Aiman ​​

+7 701 358 0330 – Ibraimova Zhanar


Social media:

YouTube channel «Action Research Laboratory»:


Instagram channel «action_research_laboratory»: