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Associate Professor of the BSPU Oksana Soroka underwent an internship at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology


From October 16 to 20, 2023, Associate Professor of Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Oksana Soroka underwent an internship at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU.


Within the framework of the internship and according to the individual professional development programme "Organisation of psychological and pedagogical training in the specialty "Primary Education"" Soroka Oksana listened to lectures of the director of the Institute G.Abayeva, deputy director, professor M.Absatova, professor, head of department A.Zhumabayeva, professor A.Arenova.


Also within the internship, Associate Professor O.Soroka held a master class for students and undergraduates of the speciality "Primary Education" on the topic "Designing a personal educational environment".


Directorate of the Institute handed O.Soroka a letter of gratitude and a certificate of internship.





