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Chinese Mid-Autumn Celebration


On October 31, 2023 in Abai University within the framework of admission of the 1st year students of the speciality "Teacher of Oriental and English (Chinese) languages" of the Institute of Philology an event dedicated to the middle of Chinese autumn was held, as well as a festive evening with the participation of members of the student club "Chinese place". The organisers were Chinese language teachers Araylym Raeva, Meirkhan Symbat and students of the Chinese language department.


The guests of the evening were the director of the Institute of Philology A.V.Tanzharykova, the deputy director for educational work A.U.Abdykalykov, the head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation N.N. Konkabayeva


The purpose of this event is to familiarise students studying Chinese language with the culture of the PRC. The evening began with Kazakh kyu, then songs of the Celestial country were sung, its national dances were performed, understanding of the Chinese autumn holiday was shown. In addition, a quiz about Chinese autumn holidays was held, and prizes were given to the students who answered the questions.


Head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation N.N. Konkabayeva expressed her wishes to the first-year students, congratulated them on their enrolment and gave them gifts. It is planned to hold annual events of this format aimed at in-depth study of Chinese language among the university students.







