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Information on the defence of doctoral theses


1. 30.12.2022 The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of Yerkebayeva Saule will take place

2. 31.12.2022 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by A.M.Aituarova

3. 06.01.2023 Dissertation defense of Kurmanbayeva T.S. for the degree of PhD will take place

4. 06.01.2023 There will take place the defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD Kosherbayeva R.N.

5. 17.01.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of F.B. Kinzhibayeva will take place

6. 17.01.2023 Defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of A.A.Nazarbekova will take place

7. 28.01.2023 Dissertation defense of Krupko I.V. for the degree of PhD will take place

8. 14.02.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Azhmoldaeva K. for the PhD degree

9. 15.02.2023 Dissertation defense of Medetbayeva S.A. for the degree of PhD will take place

10. 17.02.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of B.A.Bogenbaeva will take place

11. 17.02.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by A.I.Issayev

12. 02.03.2023 Dissertation defense of Nurbekova S.M. for the degree of PhD will take place

13. 03.03.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Tursymatova Orazkul for the PhD degree

14. 14.03.2023 Defence for the PhD of Bukanova Assel`s dissertation

15. 14.03.2023 Defence for the PhD of Nurgul Kurmangaliyeva`s dissertation

16. 24.03.2023 Dissertation defense of Ibatova G.B. for the degree of PhD will take place

17. 24.03.2023 Dissertation defense of Makhambetova A.B. for the degree of PhD will take place

18. 27.03.2023 Dissertation defense of Alimbekova N.B. for the degree of PhD will take place

19.  27.03.2023 Dissertation defense of Bekenayeva K.S. for the degree of PhD will take place

20. 11.04.2023 Thesis defence of Sh.Sh. Ontuganova to be held

21. 18.04.2023 Dissertation defense of Nussupbekova A.S. for the degree of PhD will take place

22. 19.04.2023 Dissertation defense of Mamytbayeva Zh.A. for the degree of PhD will take place

23. 19.04.2023 Dissertation defense of Akynova Zh.M. for the degree of PhD will take place

24. 20.04.2023 Dissertation defense of Ussenova M.E. for the degree of PhD will take place

25. 24.04.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Saimova Rita for the PhD degree

26. 28.04.2023 Dissertation defense of Taitelieva L.R. for the degree of PhD will take place

27. 28.04.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by Zh.A.Kalybekova

28. 28.04.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by Sh.E.Zhussipbekova

29. 02.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by Abdimussa Zhuldyz

30. 02.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. will take place by M. B Kurmanbekova

31. 10.05.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by K.A.Bedelov

32. 15.05.2023 Dissertation defense of Ismailova F.K for the degree of PhD will take place

33. 15.05.2023 Dissertation defense of Shokhayeva K.N. for the degree of PhD will take place

34. 15.05.2023 Dissertation defense of Zhakibayeva G.B. for the degree of PhD will take place

35. 16.05.2023 Dissertation defense of Kotlyarova I.V. for the degree of PhD will take place

36. 25.05.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Bakirov S.B. for the PhD degree

37. 29.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by Aida Kaziyeva

38. 29.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by R.S.Zheldibayeva

39. 30.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by A.Kuatbekov

40. 30.05.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of T.O. Karatayeva will take place

41. 14.07.2023 ьThe defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by G.S. Abildayeva

42. 18.08.2023 Dissertation defense of Koilybayeva R.K. for the degree of PhD will take place

43. 18.08.2023 Dissertation defense of Baissydyk I.B. for the degree of PhD will take place

44. 28.08.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of S.K. Syzdykov will take place

45. 06.09.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by R.T.Abdraimov

46. 08.09.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by G.O.Berkinbayeva

47. 21.09.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Shinysherova G. for the PhD degree

48. 21.09.2023 Announcement on the defense of the dissertation of Anarkulova E. for the PhD degree

49. 08.11.2023 PhD thesis defence of Karabalayeva A.B. will take place

50. 14.11.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by Ardabayeva A.K.

51. 24.11.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by B.S. Baizhigit

52. 24.11.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by A.S. Kosshyguulova

53. 27.11.2023 The defence of the thesis for PhD degree of Makhanova J.K. will take place

54. 27.11.2023 PhD thesis defense will be held by R.K.Zhetibay

55. 27.11.2023 PhD thesis defence by A.K.Zhusanbaeva will be held

56. 27.11.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by Yelubay Yerkinay

57. 30.11.2023 The defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD will take place by Dementieva N.G.